City Commissioners Double Sidewalk Spending

Traverse City commissioners spent over three hours reviewing the city's proposed 2016-17 budget Monday, but voted on just one area of spending: city sidewalks.

Commissioners will have to make the bulk of their decision-making on city spending for the next year at their June 6 meeting, which is  also the deadline for approving the budget, according to the city charter. City Treasurer Bill Twietmeyer and City Manager Marty Colburn lead commissioners through a detailed review of spending areas Monday night, including the creation of four new city positions. Commissioners zeroed in on one area in particular they felt was important enough to vote on immediately to ensure it was included in the final draft budget. That item was doubling the amount of sidewalk infrastructure investment next year from $200,000 to $400,000.

"I think we need to show the community we're serious about this," said Commissioner Tim Werner of expanding the city's sidewalk network - a goal Colburn also encouraged commissioners to consider reaching by bonding in the future to speed up sidewalk investment. Of next year's $400,000 allocation, $300,000 would be spent on infill and new sidewalks, while $100,000 would be used for maintenance and repairs. Commissioners emphasized they particularly wanted to see a new sidewalk system prioritized for the area surrounding Traverse Heights elementary school.

Commissioners will not meet next Monday due to the Memorial Day holiday. The board could possibly convene Tuesday for a special meeting related to exercising a purchase option on a West Front Street parcel. The next reguarly scheduled city commission meeting will be June 6 at 7pm.