City Denies Event at Coal Dock

Traverse City commissioners unanimously voted Monday night to deny a request by the Maritime Heritage Association to hold a fundraising event at the former TC Light & Power coal dock on M-22 this summer. Several individuals on the commission, which is currently in discussions with the TCL&P board to take over management of the property, expressed concerns about greenlighting events at the coal dock before the city had officially assumed control of the area as well as setting a precedent for other event organizers to request access to the property. Though MHA Vice President Rod Jones told commissioners the organization was hoping for approval for the fundraiser, he also noted "it wasn't our intention to open a can of worms here" and that MHA respected the commission's decision.

City commissioners also voted Monday night to table a discussion of modifying the city's contract with Clinch Park vendor The River for two weeks to allow commissioners additional time to review the contract modifications, approved making a number of temporary downtown parking orders permanent and signed off on naming the unnamed alley south of Eighth Street running through the Depot Neighborhood Station Street.