DDA To Revisit Public Art Ordinance

Downtown Development Authority (DDA) board members will consider approving a draft public art ordinance at their meeting this (Friday) morning. The policy, reviewed and crafted by City Attorney Lauren Trible-Laucht at the DDA's request, would establish a Traverse City Arts Commission comprised of representatives from various local government bodies as well as the community to oversee the city's public art program. The ordinance also establishes a Public Arts Trust fund and Percent for Art funding mechanism that would allocate at least one percent of funds from city capital improvements to public art. Trible-Laucht noted in a memo to board members this week that the Arts Commission will initially face a "considerable amount of work" as it develops bylaws, a public art master plan and a public art policy.

If approved by the DDA, the public art ordinance will go to the city commission for final approval.