NMC Enrollment: Summer Down, Fall Looking Up

Enrollment at NMC for the summer 2014 session is projected to be down 12 percent compared to summer 2013. According to the Office of Admissions, the college continues to see a decline in continuing student enrollment as federal financial aid is decreased and employment opportunities increase for the summer in the immediate area.

To address the trend, NMC admissions has been advertising for more "guest" students and is seeing increasing numbers in this student population. It also has dedicated one admissions specialist position to the role of recruiting re-admits and returning transfer students and those percentages are on the rise as well.

Looking ahead to fall enrollment numbers, the office is reporting registration of current students is down 11 percent – 1,492 this year compared to 1,673 by the same time in 2013. However, admissions applications are up 20 percent and new admissions show an increase of 12 percent. Projected total headcount for fall 2014 is 4,854, a 3 percent increase.