TC Newlyweds Request School Supplies For Gifts, Donate Them To Traverse Heights

A local elementary received a special delivery Thursday thanks to a Traverse City couple with a unique wedding idea.

Kristy (VerSnyder) Tomczak and Vince Tomczak asked guests at their July 2 wedding to bring school supplies in lieu of traditional wedding gifts. The couple provided attendees with a wish list created by staff at Traverse Heights Elementary School. Their guests rose to the challenge, flooding the reception with backpacks, notebooks, pencils, erasers, crayons, rulers, scissors, books, clothes, shoes, and $600 in gift cards.

“Vince and I decided that we wanted to put the good will of those who wished to help us celebrate our wedding day with presents to the best use possible,” says Kristy Tomczak. “We felt that the students at Traverse Heights Elementary would be a wonderful benefactor of our guest’s generosity, and our friends and family agreed. We received many comments that this was the most meaningful wedding gift they ever bought.”

In addition to the school supplies, the groom’s nephew, Mark Tomczak, donated a superhero periodic table of elements, which he created and designed. Each element has a corresponding superhero signifying the individual element. He also designed and supplied flash cards to go along with the periodic table.

“This is a truly unique ‘in lieu of gifts’ idea,” says Amy Six-King, principal of Traverse Heights Elementary School. “We are so grateful that the Tomczak’s thought to share a piece of their special day with us. Our students will put the supplies to good use once school starts up again in the fall.”

The gifts were delivered to the school Thursday morning.

Photo credit: Traverse City Area Public Schools