City Seeking Nominations For Sara Hardy Award

The Traverse City Human Rights Commission is accepting nominations for its annual Sara Hardy Humanitarian Award.

The award recognizes the community contributions of Sara Hardy - who helped establish the Human Rights Commission more than 30 years ago - by honoring an individual who exemplifies the ideals of the commission. "These ideals are to promote mutual understanding and respect among all people and to discourage discriminatory practices," according to the Human Rights Commission. Recent recipients of the Award include Jenn Cameron, Emmy Lou Cholak, Dayna Ryan, Marian Kromkowski, Glenda and Ken Andrews, Jane Hayes, Gladys Muñoz, Helen Cook, Joe Lada, Eugene Fox, and Susan Odgers.

"To nominate someone you believe represents these ideals, please submit a letter to include the nominee’s name, address, telephone number, and humanitarian activities they are involved in, along with the reasons why you are nominating this individual," according to the Human Rights Commission. "The nominator should include their name and phone number in the letter as well."

The nomination deadline is Wednesday, January 2. Nominations can be mailed or dropped off to the Traverse City Human Rights Commission at 400 Boardman Avenue in Traverse City (49684). Nominations can also be faxed to 231-922-4470.