FAA To Honor Piper With Plaque

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employees will recognize Cherry Capital Airport’s former Wildlife Manager Piper with a recognition plaque that will be presented to the dog's handler, Brian Edwards, and Cherry Capital Airport staff in a small ceremony at the airport today (Thursday).

Piper, a beloved Border Collie who helped with wildlife management at Cherry Capital Airport and served as a national ambassador for the facility, was euthanized in January following a battle with prostate cancer. The FAA will appear in the airport's second-floor conference room at 1pm to present a plaque to Edwards and airport staff honoring Piper. The FAA plaque will read as follows:

In Memory of Piper
The employees of the Federal Aviation Administration are honored to present this plaque as a token of their love and respect for Airport K-9 Piper, a trusted and invaluable member of the Cherry Capital Airport in Traverse City, Michigan. During his lifetime, Piper and his human partner, Brian Edwards, contributed to aviation safety by implementing a highly effective Wildlife Hazard Management Plan that included perimeter checks, patrol and detection, and targeted response. Piper’s mission also included boosting the morale of his two-footed colleagues, who will always smile to remember this country’s best-known Airport K-9. Airport K-9 Piper will live on in our hearts, and part of his legacy is to remind us all of the joy and privilege we have to work in aviation safety.