Fall Fashions For Sweater Weather

Fall fashion this year looks a lot like what’s hot in homes: lots of neutrals with pops of color and touches of texture to keep things cozy. This week's Northern Express, sister publication of The Ticker, scopes out some local shops and makers to highlight pieces that seem to do the impossible Up North -embracing trends while still suiting our mercurial fall weather and northern Michigan lifestyle.

In addition a head-to-toe guide to autumn style featuring local pieces, this week's fashion-forward issue also features a profile on the jewelry of Cedar's Dana C. Fear, a behind-the-scenes look at the alpacas and cozy styles of Cotton Creek Farms, a feature on Charlevoix boutique owner Pepper Berkowitz, and a story on "vintage slinger" and local style legend Kelly Nogoski. The Northern Express is available to read online, or pick up a free copy on newsstands at nearly 700 spots in 14 counties across northern Michigan.