Major Gift for Art Park

The Michigan Legacy Art Park in Thompsonville has received the lead charitable gift toward the Arts Access for All Campaign, a $50,000 gift from board member Maurice White and wife Linda.

The capital improvements in the Legacy Art Park include a barrier-free trail, upgrades to the amphitheater, an all new student exploration and exhibition area and new sculptures. The capital campaign goal is $320,000.

"We are excited that Michigan Legacy Art Park will be universally accessible," says Annie Campbell of the Disability Network. "This will provide an educational and recreational outlet for so many who are currently unable to enjoy the Park."

The Art Park also recently received capital improvement grants from Rotary Charities of Traverse City ($40,000), Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs ($75,000) and the Aline Underhill Orten Foundation ($5,000). Groundbreaking on the improvements is slated for spring 2014.