New Publication Provides Access To Local Demographic Data

Networks Northwest has updated a citizens’ and policy makers’ guide to assess and monitor community issues throughout the region. “Benchmarks Northwest” provides access to a variety of indicators related to quality of life in northwest lower Michigan.

The guidebook provides a snapshot of the region’s economic indicators, as well as breaking down data by county. An electronic copy of the guide is available here. Networks Northwest is a 10-county public agency providing workforce development, economic development, and regional planning services.

Networks Northwest CEO Matt McCauley says individuals or organizations would have to invest a large amount of time and effort to compile the information they'll find in Benchmarks Northwest. “Data are an important part of decision-making. They provide individuals, non-profits, businesses, and local units of government indicators relevant to their operations, interests and goals,” he says.

Benchmarks Northwest primarily sources publicly available data that are regularly updated. You can access the guidebook and other Benchmarks Northwest data resources on the Networks Northwest website here