New TCAPS Board Elects Kelly President, Assigns Committee Roles

Monday evening marked the first official meeting of the 2019 Traverse City Area Public Schools (TCAPS) Board of Education. The influx of new members and the exit of former Board President Erik Falconer and Board Treasurer Scott Hardy left the board in need of new officers and new committee assignments. Six of the seven board members were present for the so-called “organizational meeting,” with Jane Klegman attending via teleconference.
The meeting began with Superintendent Paul Soma taking nominations for a new president. Sue Kelly, who previously served as vice president for the TCAPS board during the 2018 calendar year, was the lone nominee and was elected to the role by unanimous vote. Kelly then took the president’s seat and requested nominations for the remaining officer positions. Doris Ellery was elected vice president, Pamela Forton became the new board secretary, and Matt Anderson assumed the role of treasurer. Like Kelly, all three were the lone nominees for their respective roles and were elected unanimously by the full board.
Kelly also assigned members to each of the TCAPS board committees, with the final list as follows:
Board Agenda Review: Kelly, Ellery, and one rotating board member
Communications: Klegman (chair), Anderson, Erica Moon Mohr (alternate: Jeff Leonhardt)
Curriculum: Ellery (chair), Forton, Mohr (alternate: Klegman)
Finance/Operations: Anderson (chair), Forton, Leonhardt (alternate: Kelly)
Human Resources/Policy: Ellery (chair), Klegman, Leonhardt (alternate: Kelly)
District Network: Kelly (alternate: Ellery)
Reinstatement Committee: Kelly, Ellery (alternate: Klegman)
Round Table: A rotation of board members
The next TCAPS board meeting is schedule for next Monday, January 14 at 6pm.