TCAPS Joins League Of Innovative Schools

Traverse City Area Public Schools (TCAPS) has been accepted into the League of Innovative Schools, a "national coalition of forward-thinking K-12 school districts organized by Digital Promise, a global nonprofit working to expand opportunity for every learner by bringing together solutions across research, practice, and technology," according to a district release.

Digital Promise and the League of Innovative Schools aim to provide an environment for superintendents and district leaders to share and learn from best practices; leverage research and participate in continuous improvement models; engage in R&D projects with peers to address education’s biggest challenges; and implement new technologies and innovations in their school systems.

"TCAPS is very excited to join the League of Innovative Schools and learn about the leading strategies that are helping to raise student achievement in schools across the country,” says TCAPS Superintendent Dr. John VanWagoner. 

The Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools, launched within the United States Department of Education in 2011, accepts new members through an open application process once per year. The League will officially welcome new members at its fall meeting October 19-21 in Los Angeles. The new members’ entrance into the League extends the network’s reach to more than 150 districts across 38 states.