Twelve Ways To Seize Summer North Of The 45th Parallel

Summer fades fast in northern Michigan, but there’s one way to make it last: Outrun it. With the 45th Parallel as your starting line, and the woods, waters, and iconic attractions to the north as your course, you can fill what remains of these long but fleeting summer days with the kind of true north fun that makes you feel you’ve seized every second.

In this week's Northern Express, sister publication of The Ticker, you can find a dozen recommendations to make the most of summer Up North. From concerts at The Bliss Polo Club, cruising the hobbit houses in Charlevoix, motoring back in time at the Northern Michigan Antique Flywheelers Show, or traveling through the Tunnel of Trees on M-119, this week's roundup of "Little Traverse's Must-Do Dozen" will give you plenty of ideas to squeeze every drop out of the remaining weeks of summer.

The Northern Express is available to read online, or pick up a free copy on newsstands at nearly 700 spots in 14 counties across northern Michigan.