Winter Sojourn: Low-Key Weekend Getaways

The hygge part of us longs to do winter hibernation-style, with seemingly endless early nights spent curled up — books, candles, couch — at home. But in a region where winter is a wonderland, there comes a moment when even the most couch potato-ey among us feels the urge to explore, to seize the snowy day, to arrive back at the office Monday morning proclaiming proudly, "Yes, there is a world beyond the couch-to-cubicle commute."

This week's Northern Express, sister publication of The Ticker, profiles four low-key weekend getaways to explore across northern Michigan — all of which are worth getting to whether staying in and doing nothing, or staying close and doing a little something, is all you can do. From Stafford’s Crooked River Lodge and Suites to Hotel Walloon, from The Highlands Harbor Springs to Hotel Frankfort, the Northern Express has the inspiration you need to make the most of the remaining winter weeks ahead. The Northern Express is available to read online, or pick up a free copy on newsstands at nearly 700 spots in 14 counties across northern Michigan.