Twelve Apply For NMC Board Vacancy

Twelve candidates have applied to fill the term on Northwestern Michigan College's (NMC)’s Board of Trustees vacated by former trustee Michael Estes last month. The applicants, who must reside in Grand Traverse County, are:

Jackie Anderson, Traverse City 
Vince Cornellier, Traverse City 
Brian Craig, Traverse City 
Madison Ford,Traverse City
David Grams, Traverse City 
Todd Hall, Traverse City 
Pamela Horne, Interlochen
Mattias Johnson, Traverse City 
Lisa Wyatt Knowlton, Traverse City 
Andy Robitshek, Traverse City 
Ty Schmidt, Traverse City
Thomas Webb, Traverse City 

Estes resigned from NMC’s Board of Trustees effective Oct. 17. The new trustee will fill the term he was elected to in 2016 until the next regular community college election in November 2022.

Interviews will be conducted in special public meetings according to the Michigan Open Meetings Act. Final appointment will be made by the full NMC Board of Trustees at a special meeting at 2pm Monday, Nov. 15 at NMC’s Hagerty Center.